How do you coach recruiters and hiring managers?
Recruiters and hiring managers are like snowflakes. No, we don’t mean sensitive or egotistical and thinking they need a trophy just for participating. Snowflakes in the fact that no two are exactly alike.
No two recruiters have the same process and no two hiring managers build their teams with the same aspirations – but there are some base level requirements they should all at least TRY to abide by.
Jo Weech is our next roundtable guest and we’re going full throttle on coaching, expectations, how candidates prep for interviews, and more!
Some key points we’ll cover:
How to coach your recruiters and hiring managers and get on the same page for the interview process
Every candidate gets coaching before an interview [whether it’s a parent, recruiter, friend, online tutorial] – how does that play out [and how does it affect diversity hiring]?
How and why teams should pool their skills so it’s a collaborative environment and empowers new employees joining the team
This is an open mic, open forum roundtable. No sales decks or pitches. Peer to peer conversations so we can all learn from [and with] each other.
Jo Weech, Global Head of People & Talent, Clements Worldwide
When I think about my career, I’m most proud of being able to partner with people to connect them to companies where they belong and can grow, and then making sure they are engaged and have an equitable career path. I take a proactive approach to create inclusive environments and a culture of care for both candidates and employees. Long after I’ve left many of my roles, I remain connected with former employees and celebrate the big wins in their careers as well as their personal lives.