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The Rise of Facebook as a Job Acquisition Strategy

How the Social Media Platform is Stepping Up Its Game To Help Businesses Attract Qualified Candidates


Across the globe, there are over 2.41 billion active monthly users on Facebook and over 1.5 billion who log into the site each day. In the United States, the average age of a Facebook user is 40.5 years old, and 98% of users are of working age (25-55 years.) Considering active users mirror the ages in the job market it’s easy to see why Facebook saw an opportunity to become a player in the job acquisition space.

How Facebook Jobs Works

For business owners, posting a job on Facebook is free and as easy as 1,2,3. The process requires someone from within the business to write a simple job description and choose specific questions for candidates to answer when they apply. From there, Facebook tracks each applicant and makes their information easily accessible for business owners via the social media platform.

Facebook Jobs is also very accessible to those searching for a job. Openings appear in multiple locations across the platform, including the business’s Facebook page and the Jobs bookmark. Candidates can easily search the bookmark for jobs by location or areas of interest.

More Targeted Than Other Popular Job Search Sites

Job search platforms like Indeed or other social platforms such as LinkedIn pale in comparison to Facebook when it comes to targeted job ads. On Facebook, business owners can use the platform’s extensive data bank to deliver their posting to their ideal candidates. Those posting jobs can choose specific criteria from age to experience and everything in between for who sees their job postings. With such sophisticated targeting, a job posting on Facebook is more likely to get in front of the perfect employee than on other platforms and helps to refine the candidates applying for the job.

A Jackpot of Passive Candidates

Current unemployment rates in the United States are the lowest they have been in years. Therefore, not as many people are actively searching for jobs. However, companies are still searching for qualified candidates. Businesses need to go where people are spending their time and get their attention in order to attract qualified passive candidates.

Compared to and LinkedIn, Facebook is the jackpot of passive candidates. On Indeed, people are actively searching for a job. On LinkedIn, the idea of a new job is not always top of mind and for highly sought after candidates your recruiting inmessage is one of many. On Facebook, however, the competition for recruiters reaching out to passive candidates is smaller and the candidate is more likely to see and potentially respond.

Via target ads, Facebook allows businesses to show up in front of their ideal candidate with little competition from other potential employers. It puts the idea of applying for your job in the candidates’ top of mind.Then, Facebook makes it extremely easy to apply with their native apply tool.

Facebook and Native Apply Can Transform Your Search for Qualified Candidates

Unlike other platforms, Facebook jobs does not require users to have a resume to apply for jobs on their newsfeed. Instead, users can enlist the help of their Facebook profile. Because online applications are abandoned at an alarming rate by qualified candidates, this version of a job application is seamless. However, it has raised concerns for employers and candidates alike. Through a Facebook profile, employers may not receive enough information and candidates may not be putting their best face forward with incomplete profiles. However, with JobSync enabled employers receive a full resume and answers to custom questions from Facebook candidates all pushed into their ATS from Facebook in near real-time. JobSync makes it possible for employers to leverage Facebook jobs and have it work seamlessly with a companies current candidate workflow.  Together, JobSync and Facebook create an unstoppable force for employers looking to source the best talent available.


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